3 Reasons Why Your Computer Monitor May Cause Neck Pain

"The Pain Doctor" | Baltimore Chiropractor

3 Reasons Why Your Computer Monitor May Cause Neck Pain

By: Dr. Tiffany T. Butler | February 17, 2023 | Read Time: 5 minutes

“Move. Sedentary is not the way to live.” (Aman Gupta)

Most people will use a computer throughout the day for work, school, or for recreational use. With the increase in the number of employees working from home, the number of hours spent on the computer has increased too. In addition, more children are using technological devices (such as computers, tablets, and phones) at an early age. Computer users may be at risk for musculoskeletal injury, especially to the neck, upper (mid) back, and lower back regions, and are dependent on a number of contributing factors, including but not limited to, seated position, computer monitor position, and type of chair used.

Musculoskeletal complaints such as muscle strains and ligament sprain often result from trauma (e.g. fall, auto accident), sports-related injury (e.g. tear), and work-related injury (e.g. performing repetitive activities for a prolonged period of time). If you spend most of your day using a computer, such as a lap top or desktop, you may notice pain or discomfort in the neck or back (upper, middle or lower) regions after using a computer for a few hours and/or at the end of the day.

Below are 3 Reasons Why Your Computer Monitor May Cause Neck Pain

#1: Your Computer Monitor is Too Low

When the computer monitor is too low it may cause you to lean forward; excessively flex your head; and/or tuck your chin. If you maintain this abnormal posture position for too long, chances are you will experience neck and upper back pain, due to muscle strain. To keep your head from “falling forward”, the muscles in the back of your neck and upper back, will tighten to keep your eyes leveled on the computer screen. Over time, if the abnormal posture is not corrected and/or if the computer monitor screen is not adjusted, the spinal muscles will become fatigued, spasm, and tighten thus causing pain in the neck and/or upper back regions.

#2: You Use More than 2 Monitors

If you are using more than one computer monitors, chances are you spend a great deal of your work day, excessively and repetitively turning your head from left to right. In addition, if the monitors are of different sizes and/or are at different heights, this further puts you at risk of developing neck and upper back pain because you have to constantly adjust your head and neck in a position to level your eyes when you rotate your head between the two monitors. If you use two computer monitor screens, you may also notice pain on one side of the neck more than the other, thus confirming that your monitors are placed in a poor position that contributes to an overuse injury such as neck muscle strain.

#3: Your Computer Monitor is Too Small

If you have to lean forward to view the screen, chances are your computer monitor may be too small. Using a small computer screen is very similar to using a laptop, since it puts your head and neck in an abnormal position, thereby causing your neck and upper back muscles to work harder to keep your eyes leveled.

Bottom Line: The computer monitor position (whether you are using one or two monitors) should be in the best position that will allow your head and neck to remain in a neutral position thereby reducing unnecessary stress and strain on your neck and upper back muscles. Furthermore, the computer monitor should be a size that reduces eye strain; and should be in a position that will allow you to keep your eyes leveled on the screen without leaning forward or flexing your head. Click here to learn how to reduce neck pain while using a computer.

Dr. Tiffany T. Butler (aka “The Pain Doctor”) is a chiropractor, author, and entrepreneur. She leads Harmonious Living Chiropractic: Fitness & Wellness Center, a pain management practice, in offering healthcare solutions that focus on patient-centered care. Her team consists of individuals who are passionate about improving patient outcomes by providing chiropractic care, in conjunction with therapeutic procedures. Their services have helped hundreds of people find pain relief and improved their quality of life. To learn more about Dr. Butler visit https://www.drtiffanybutler.com/dr-butler/ Connect with Dr. Butler on social media #drtiffanybutler @drtiffanybutler

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