Why Suffering in Silence Causes You More Pain

"The Pain Doctor" | Baltimore Chiropractor

Why Suffering in Silence Causes You More Pain

By Dr. Tiffany T. Butler | January 11, 2023 | Read Time: 7 minutes

“All of us have ways in which we mask and cover our pain.” (Iyanla Vanzant)

Many of us are taught at an early age how to handle pain. We learned from our family members, our teachers, and our peers on what pain is and how to deal with it. As children, when we experienced an injury, illness, or trauma, we either received care (such as attention, nurturing) or we did not. How we managed being hurt as children oftentimes will follow us into adulthood. How we deal with pain as adults is determined by our past learned experiences.

Research shows that more than 70% of people who experience chronic pain do not report it. In other words, when chronic pain sufferers visit a doctor, they don’t inform the physician on the details of the pain such as – duration of the pain, frequency of the pain, or how the pain is negatively impacting their lives. It is not the pain alone that leads to other health conditions, it is the silent suffering. When we choose to do nothing to alleviate our pain, especially when viable solutions are available, we willfully accept the path of suffering. Therefore, suffering is a willful choice.

Chronic pain sufferers often feel neglected, unheard, and mistreated by the medical healthcare system, which can lead to a sense of helplessness, hopelessness, and masking of pain with substances such as alcohol and/or drugs. Much like finances, talking about pain can be an uncomfortable especially if you have learned that your pain does not matter. All pain matters. Whether the pain is minor or severe, everyone has a right to receive assistance when they are experiencing pain, regardless of their ability to pay.


#1: Tell Someone

Share your story with others. Many people feel shameful or guilty for their condition. However, telling your story can liberate you from those negative feelings. Oftentimes self-judgement can distort reality and tarnish the positive images we have of ourselves. As you begin to share your story with others, you will realize that you are not alone. There are millions of people who are suffering worldwide. You can gain the support from others who share a similar experience. Some of the benefits of sharing include: 1) increase your mood; 2) a sense of gratitude and appreciation.

#2: Accept What Is True

Our emotions are often intertwined with our belief system. Belief is what we accept to be true. A belief is not a fact. A fact is something that can be proven. An example of a fact is when the colors red and yellow are mixed it always makes green. Since belief is tied to our emotions, if we want to create change in our lives, we must change our perception. Perception is how we interpret the world from our viewpoint. When you believe you will get better, chances are you will. On the other hand, when you believe you will not get better, chances are you will not. Ask yourself the following questions: 1) What do I believe about my pain? and 2)What do I know about my pain? The answer to these questions will reveal your beliefs, and the facts. Knowing what is true can help provide clarifty of your situation.

#3: Get Help Now

If you are suffering, seek the help of a healthcare professional. Early intervention for an injury, illness, or trauma, can lead to better treatment and better outcomes. By seeking care sooner rather than later, you will be provided with the education and tools that will help to reduce the chance of your problem becoming chronic. In addition, early intervention increases your chances of healing and recovering at optimal levels. When a condition becomes chronic, it can have a negative impact on your day-to-day life, from performing simple tasks such as – personal hygiene to performing complex tasks such as problem solving and fulfilling work duties.

Dr. Tiffany T. Butler (aka “The Pain Doctor”) is a chiropractor, author, and entrepreneur. She leads Harmonious Living Chiropractic: Fitness & Wellness Center, a pain management practice, in offering healthcare solutions that focus on patient-centered care. Her team consists of individuals who are passionate about improving patient outcomes by providing chiropractic care, in conjunction with therapeutic procedures. Their services have helped hundreds of people find pain relief and improved their quality of life. To learn more about Dr. Butler visit https://www.drtiffanybutler.com/dr-butler/ Connect with Dr. Butler on social media #drtiffanybutler

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