Defeat Back Pain in 3 Simple Ways

"The Pain Doctor" | Baltimore Chiropractor

Defeat Back Pain in 3 Simple Ways

By Dr. Tiffany T. Butler | January 18, 2023 | Read Time: 7 minutes

“Pain is a sudden hurt that can’t be escaped. But then I have also learned that because of pain, I can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing.” (C. Joybell)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Overall 58.9% of adults experienced the pain of any kind in the past 3 months. Back pain (39.0%) was the most prevalent site for pain…” Why is back pain so common? Well… we utilize your backs for everything! Without the back (spine), we would not be able to perform complex movements, such as walking, sitting, standing, running, and jumping. Even when our bodies are at rest our back muscles are still working to keep us in an upright position. The only time back muscles get a break from working is is when we are laying down.

When there is damage to the soft tissues (e.g. the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and spinal disc) it must go through 3 phases of healing: inflammation, repair, and remodeling. When an injury initially occurs it is in the acute inflammatory stage of healing. During this time there is an increase in blood circulation to the area which results in a limited range of motion, tissue swelling, redness, and tenderness/soreness when touched or with movement. Inflammation is the normal immune response to an injury or infection. The acute inflammatory stage can last from a day to a week.

During the acute phase of healing, it is suggested to rest, ice the area and compress, if possible. The self-treatment goal during the acute phase of healing is – 1) to prevent further damage of tissues; and 2) to control and manage inflammation. The acute stage of soft tissue healing can last about a day up to a weeks time. If you have tried everything that you know, such as following the “RICE” protocol and/or taking medications; then seek the care of a healthcare provider, such as a medical doctor or a chiropractor for further evaluation of your back pain.

Your back pain may be worsening due to the following reasons: 1) you are not moving enough; 2) you are lifting incorrectly; and 3)you are consuming foods that cause inflammation.

3 Ways to Overcome Worsening Back Pain

#1: You Are Not Moving

At some point during the healing process from an acute back injury, you have to start moving. Whether it is walking, swimming, or performing light stretches, movement will help to release muscle tension and improve blood flow. Laying around for hours at a time (outside of a normal sleep routine), may make your back pain worse. Not sure what exercises to do, check out my book, Say Goodbye to Back Pain! Exercise, Nutrition, and More!, it has simple exercises and stretches you can perform anywhere, anytime.

#2: You Are Lifting Wrong

If you want to protect your back and reduce your chances of a back injury, learn how to lift correctly. Whenever you are lifting, be sure to utilize your leg muscles for the lifting. Your leg muscles are much stronger than your back muscles. To lift properly, do the following: 1) keep your back as straight as possible (avoid hunching over or rounding of the back); 2) bend your knees, performing a squat without leaning forward; 3) keep your feet flat on the floor (making sure your feet are at least shoulder width apart or wider maybe helpful); 4) lift the object, keeping the object close to your body to avoid unnecessary strain on the lower back muscles; and finally, 5) stand up. If you are lifting an object that you perceive to be “too heavy” for you, get assistance.

#3: Poor Nutritional Intake

Believe it or not, what you eat can either help you or hurt you. Research shows that inflammation is the cause of most health conditions. Inflammation causes pain because the particles and substances within the inflammatory fluids irritate the soft tissues including the pain nerve fibers called nociceptors. Therefore, if you want to reduce pain and inflammation try eating foods that are anti-inflammatory such as – berries, avocado, green leafy vegetables, and pineapple. You can also add anti-inflammatory spices including – turmeric and ginger, to your food. In addition, reducing or eliminating the intake of pro-inflammatory foods such as fried foods and products with refined sugars.

Dr. Tiffany T. Butler (aka “The Pain Doctor”) is a chiropractor, author, and entrepreneur. She leads Harmonious Living Chiropractic: Fitness & Wellness Center, a pain management practice, in offering healthcare solutions that focus on patient-centered care. Her team consists of individuals who are passionate about improving patient outcomes by providing chiropractic care, in conjunction with therapeutic procedures. Their services have helped hundreds of people find pain relief and improved their quality of life. To learn more about Dr. Butler visit Connect with Dr. Butler on social media #drtiffanybutler

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