Don’t Ignore Sharp or Stabbing Pain, This is Why

"The Pain Doctor" | Baltimore Chiropractor

Don’t Ignore Sharp or Stabbing Pain, This is Why

By: Dr. Tiffany T. Butler | March 30, 2023 | Read Time: 4 minutes

Nothing will halt movement like a sharp or stabbing pain. Acute injury often occurs as a sharp or stabbing pain. At times the pain can be so severe, that whatever you were doing at the time of the pain, you will stop, almost immediately. This type of pain lets you know that something has gone wrong, and you need to pay attention.

Experience Sharp or Stabbing Pain While Moving

If you experience sharp or stabbing pain while moving, stop. Don’t continue to perform the movement. Sharp or stabbing pain means either the hard tissue (e.g., bones) and/or soft tissue (e.g., muscles, tendons, ligaments, meniscus, spinal disc) has been damaged. Therefore, to prevent further tissue damage, discontinuing activity is advised. For example, if you injured your ankle or knee while playing soccer, then following the “Rest Ice Compress Elevate (R.I.C.E.)” protocol may be helpful. If the area you experience pain swells immediately, and/or you cannot bear weight (e.g., severely sprained ankle, knee), then seek medical attention asap.

It Can Get Worse

A small pain can cause a big problem, if not dealt with correctly from the beginning. I’ve seen people wait until back pain becomes so severe that they can’t find any relief besides taking pain-addictive medication. Don’t wait until the pain becomes worse. If your symptoms have not improved within 3 – 5 days, after resting, using an ice pack, heating pad, stretching, exercising, and taking medication, go see a licensed healthcare professional. Prolonged pain and inflammation result in decreased range of motion and muscle tightness, which can negatively impact your ability to perform normal activities.

If your having neck pain, back pain, or other joint pain, consider scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor. Chiropractors are experts in treating and managing muscle and joint conditions such as acute and chronic neck, back, and joint pain experienced by children, adolescents, and adults.

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Dr. Tiffany T. Butler (aka “The Pain Doctor”) is a chiropractor, author, and entrepreneur. She leads Harmonious Living Chiropractic: Fitness & Wellness Center, a pain management practice, in offering healthcare solutions that focus on patient-centered care. Her team consists of individuals who are passionate about improving patient outcomes by providing chiropractic care, in conjunction with therapeutic procedures. Their services have helped hundreds of people find pain relief and improved their quality of life. To learn more about Dr. Butler visit Connect with Dr. Butler on social media #drtiffanybutler

Dr. Tiffany T. Butler aka The Pain Doctor is a chiropractor who specializes in the treating and managing pain conditions.

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